I create a world of enlightenment and joy by being compassionately present and holding a container of the highest possible frequencies.

Spiritual Coach
As negative entities redouble their efforts to enslave us and the planet we inhabit, Gary Pincus helps you become the hope the world needs today. His ability to sniff out these entities, and the thought forms and fears they’ve created, is unparalleled. Once Gary clears the dark forces from your field, you will move into higher levels of consciousness and the 5D reality of compassion and love. At last you’ll be free to create a life beyond your wildest imaginings.
"Be the hope the world needs today."


David Chandler
Gary Pincus is a HEALER.
He has zero agenda and relies solely upon reading the energies and calling upon the non-physical realms to guide the work.
He holds the field for this dynamic beautifully and has the sensitivities to transpose those energies into the 3rd Dimension.
He, like many healers, has a huge toolkit of methods, processes, and systems for working with others, but my session with Gary was more about the love and kindness he embodies as a catalyzing healing force.
Highest recommendations for Gary as a way to peel away the layers to address core issues.”

Rev. Dr. Debbi Brown
I have been a spiritual energy worker for over 30 years and have cleared negative entities and attacks many times. I experienced an attack from a very strong-willed, not well-intentioned man a few years ago.
I did much work to clear, release, heal, and repair myself from this experience. Working with Gary Pincus was like talking with a good friend. He helped to release any final imprints or residual negativity in a loving and compassionate manner. It felt great to have masculine support for this final clearing. I highly recommend Gary’s Spirit Enlightened technique to you.

Iona Flores
I let Gary know I was having issues with my lower back hurting and my neck was really tight. I listened to the Physical Healing MP3 and I could feel a lot of warmth on my lower back and neck. I felt really calm and peaceful. I could feel the love of my Angels all around me sending me loving light and complete bliss. I felt as if I was having an energetic healing massage.
I felt unconditional love radiating from my whole body. I feel energized and my body feels lighter than before. I would highly recommend Gary and his healing work to everyone. He has such a calmness about him. He soothes you and you can feel the compassion from him. He has a big heart.